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A vast majority of people  are leading their lives with out having of the changed and new methodology of moderen development fields.These things are prevailing in developed countries like Pakistan.Lot of work has to be done .Here a strong motivational compaign has been launched at its full swing in the target areas of HRFP.The Director of Women & Children  of HRFP,Mrs.Martha is using her mental abilities for the education.When the parents go for earning in the morning,Martha collect the young boys and girls at one place ,at her home to teach them.In her  initial stage in 2004 there were only 7 boys and 4 girls who were  studying at her home.From March 2008 ,the kids are 135 .90  boys & 45 girls. 
Every morning when the parents go for earning ,and return in the evening ,the young boys and girls keep at homes,some of them look after their youngsters,some of them play in and out side their dwellings,some of them look after their animals .Thus the boys and young girls are deprived from schooling.These children were wondering hitter and thitter aimlessely.Then the HRFP has seriously involved the miserable situation and Matha with team ,collect the children at one place ,at her home.She teaches them daily for 3 to 4 hours.A lot of children in the target area are not comming at the education place,because their parents do't want .If these children will not be brought to school (at education place),they will be ruined.Let us help these children to get education.Their parents will be motivated for the cause.Marta and her education team have a plan.She know it is need to give much more emphases to the education of these boys and girls .,by actively encourging their parents to send them to education centre of HRFP,and giving them financial and other support to attend secondary schools after attending the HRFP EDUCATION CENTER.

With this recommendation in mind ,the HRFP has sanctioned this area as bases for extending the work of this noble service .In this education field hrfp intend to help at least 200 children in th going year till December 2008.

It will be possible with your support and financial help.If you want ,you can send us your financial gifts.The children and we all will say thanks .Pray for us.

Thanks a lot.

"Team hrfp education programm"